Headset for Music and Gaming

Headset for Music and Gaming

If you like listening to music in high quality, but also enjoy playing games, we found the Sennheiser GAME ONE to be the perfect match right now. You probably already know Sennheiser and their reputation as a high-quality headphone and headset maker and the GAME ONE is no exception. It delivers an amazing music experience along with great sound output for gaming. The mic is outstanding and one of the best ones we have ever tried on a headset.
The Sennheiser GAME ONE can be purchased for around $150 right now and can be found in both black or white editions. With your purchase, you get two years manufacturer’s warranty, which is an added bonus. It isn’t the best headset for listening to music only and neither for hardcore gaming, but if you blend the two together, this headset is your greatest option right now.


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